How to Find Sub Item In Ribbon Pannel in Bricscad 17 C++

Dear Friends,

I am trying to get Ribbon Button From Ribbon Panel .
But I cant get the Ribbon Button of the Ribbon Panel.
please see the code below.
AcRibbonPanelSource* pPanelSource = pPanel->source();
AcString strId;
if (strId.compareNoCase("rpChapoo") == 0)
const ACHAR* itemId = _T("chapooopen");
AcRibbonItem* pRibbonItem = pPanel->findItem(itemId, true);
AcRibbonItem* pItem = pPanelSource->findItem(itemId,true);

findItem() always returns NULL.This is the problem.

please note that i am using Default.cui of Bricscad 17.

please give your suggestion to Solve this problem.

Thank you Friends,

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