Text Styles and Linetypes should have the ability to select the Xref Filter and Invert like Layers

I'm new to BricsCAD, about two (2) weeks, and I find it a fine alternative. There are a number of areas that should be improved. Not finding a better place I've created this post as a feature request, here. Please let me know if I've missed the forum for such feature requests.

I've not delved into the Drawing Explorer much but it is a nice alternative, albeit slow to open up. The speed of opening should be improved.

Having the Filter feature on these two (2) styles would greatly improve the ability to view current drawing styles.

There may be other styles that these features should be added to as well. They were the only ones I thought would be appropriate in my quick review and during my use thus far.


  • FYI, there is the 'Hide Xref Symbols' option that applies to all Drawing Explorer categories. It can be found in the View menu of the Drawing Explorer.

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