How to use RESTful API to upload one file to Bricsys 24/7 ?

Refer to API, use POST /api/rest/Document?{f=FolderID}[&format=IOType][&sharetoken=ShareTokenID][&r=DocumentID][&timezone=TimeZoneID] should allow upload file
but it requires payload which should look like below, is there any description of those values? how should it be filled?
"Items": [
"MetaData": [
"ID": int,
"Form": int,
"Fields": [
"ID": int,
"Value": String
"UseOrgFileName": boolean,
"Unzip": boolean,
"DocumentID": int,
"ReplaceLastRevision": boolean,
"Content": String,
"Charset": String,
"Description": String,
"StatusID": int,
"FileName": String,
"Tags": [String],
"Name": String