Locked out of Plot style editor?


I've recieved a file form another office & can't get their drawing to plot in monochrome,

I've tried using my own stb & the supplied monochrome,

the print is in colour



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  • Hello,  please file a support request and attach the drawing and plot style files: we will be glad to look into this issue and provide you with a solution.
  • The use of true colors can explain this problem. If a drawing uses true colors the print will show them even if you use the monchrome.ctb. The only (?) solution is to setup the printing device to print in black and white.
  • ... And for STB based drawings the "Normal" plot style and all missing plot styles will print using the entity color. Even if you use monchrome.stb. Again the solution is to change the setup of the printing device.
  • Thanks for your comments so far,

    I've noticed that there is a difference in the properties box from the drawings I prepare myself....

    If I create a selection set of all entities in the drawing , then look at the properties panel,

    there's a Plot Style description,

    In the supplied drawings I can choose between "Normal", "ByLayer" & "ByBlock"

    In the drawings I prepare myself, there's just "bycolor" & no option to change it.

  • You should read about the commands CONVERTCTB and CONVERTPSTYLES.  The drawing is set up to print via 'plot styles' ie a Style Table (STB).  If you use CONVERTCTB,the drawing changes so you can print via color tables (CTB).
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