Expor to PDF - linewidth

Dear all,

I've prepared a drawing and to reduce the file size I export the drawing to PDF instead of printing to PDF.
The problem now is while doing that, the logo's and the lines are much thicker and even not readable anymore.
all settings are on linewidth 1 and for the format, also no lineweights are shown.

anyone a solution?



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  • One of the PDF export settings is PdfUsePlotStyles. This setting should be checked (value 1).
  •  Thanks for the reaction but this doesnt give much any improvement.
  • Guy,

    The two examples on the page you supplied were created in Microsoft Word and are not the pdf created by Bricscad, so it is difficult to evaluate what is happening.

    Secondly they are both PNG's and not vector based, which means they are resolution dependent.

    Were your logo's originally bitmaps and imported into Bricscad as images?


    David Waight
  •  Hi David,
    it were 2 screenshots. Enclosed you will find the dwg and the exported pdf. 
    the logo itself is an imported block.
    For a4 and a3 the resolution seems better but even then i can't transmit those pdfs.



  • @ Guy:
    I can confirm your problem. The BricsCAD PDF Export option seems to use a fixed pen-width for solid and gradient hatches resulting in a low-res effect.
    Using a PDF printer driver the problem does not occur and your logos look fine. Tested with PDF reDirect but there are many other free PDF printer drivers out there. In the Release Notes for V12 Bricsys recommends PDFCreator.

  •  Hi Roy,
    thanks for the input.
    The problem is when printing with a pdfwriter (adobe - bullzip - ... ) that the gradient red hatch of the righ logo is not printed. I can solve this by changing the colors to red instead of the gradient but this is not a solution.
    any idea on that one?

  • I have no problem with the gradient using PDF reDirect. See attachment.


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