Mouse over highlight face effect OFF/ON

I have allot of solids on the screen I move my mouse and BricsCAD highlights all the faces the mouse goes over. I just want to select a solid or an XREF. Not see what shape distant faces are.

Can any one please tell me how to turn off the faces highlight while mouse over?



  • ok. I have found it.

    I have allot of solids on the screen I move my mouse and BricsCAD highlights all the faces the mouse goes over. I just want to select a solid or an XREF. Not see what shape distant faces are.

    Can any one please tell me how to turn off the faces highlight while mouse over?

  •  And please where?

  • I think what you need to do is turn off the selection preview: OPTIONS command, or Settings menu Settings... in the Settings dialog expand Program options, then expand Quad and finally expand Selection preview display - you can then set the settings in there. 
  • Please notice that entities do not highlight until the mouse stops moving. Then the 'first' entity under the cursor highlights. Repeatedly hitting the TAB-key then allows to highlight all entities one by one under the current cursor position.
    System variables which control whether entities under the cursor highlight are: SELECTIONPREVIEW and QUADDISPLAY. If the QUAD is ON, the value of SELECTIONPREVIEW is ignored and entities under the cursor always highlight when the cursor stops moving. The PreviewDelay user preference determines how many milliseconds to wait before the highlighting occurs (default = 350).
    If a solid is under the cursor the value of SELECTIONMODES defines whether the complete solid, solid faces or solid edges highlight, as explained by Hans in reply #4 in

  •  Thanks a lot :-)
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