Changing the size of a 3D solid with absolute values

Say I have a simple 'Box' that I want to adjust in size. I can use the push-pull command but this only allows me to set the difference in size from the current size (so if I wanted to increase the height of a 'Box' that is already 20mm in height, to 30mm, I would use the push-pull command and set the distance to 10mm, but this requires my knowing of the current height).

Is there a way to set the absolute dimensions of a simple 3D solid? I understand this may not be possible for models that have been subject to some boolean operations, but I'm only asking for simple models (3D models like 'Box', sphere, cylinder, etc).


  • You can use the "3D constraints" under the solid ribbontab. Use the "distance" tool and select 2 oposite faces of the cube.
    You can now enter a distance value for the two selected faces.

  • When you start PushPull, you can use Tab Key.
    It will switch the base Face, from which DYNDIM distance is measured.
    So by Tab you can cycle through coplanar Faces of your entire Model
    to input a relative distance from.
    Or in your case, just switch DYNDIM base from your current Face to the
    opposite Face of your Slab.

  • In V19 you can do the following: select both faces to display the current distance, then type a new value.

  • Hans De Backer
    edited November 2018

    Also since V19, pressing Shift+Tab during PushPull will select the furthest face in your solid that is parallel to the face being pushpulled, to become the reference face to measure the distance from.
    In solids with a simple geometry, like a box, this is 'the face at the opposite side'.

    Also new in V19, to select any other (parallel) face in the model to become the reference face during pushpull, hover the face with the cursor and press Tab.

  • @Robert said:
    You can use the "3D constraints" under the solid ribbontab. Use the "distance" tool and select 2 oposite faces of the cube.
    You can now enter a distance value for the two selected faces.

    It also works when selecting edges of e.g. a box, even when you have done solid operations like union or subtract and one side (or both sides) of the box are no longer flat planes but have e.g. a cutout. As long as the selected edges are on the same face plane it should work, but you may need to fix the other faces to each other to have them move along when increasing/decreasing the dimension.

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