.Net - How to insert a Field into a MText?

To create a field in the text, I used code like this:

        MText mt = new MText();
        mt.Contents = “%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId 1438088896>%).Layer>%”;

This works great in AutoCAD. But in BricsCAD 18 this method does not work. In the drawing not a field appears, but just text disappear symbols “\A”. In my example it will be like this:

  %<cObjProp Object(%<\_ObjId 1438088896>%).Layer>%

Such an expression is certainly not perceived by the program as a field.
I tried to assign a field like this:

          MText mt = new MText();
          if (text.Contains("%<\\"))
            Field f = new Field(text);
            tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(f, true);
            mt.Contents = text;

And yet like this

          MText mt = new MText();
          if (text.Contains("%<\\"))
            Field f = new Field(text);
            f.EvaluationOption = FieldEvaluationOptions.Automatic;
            f.Evaluate((int)(FieldEvaluationOptions.Automatic), db);
            tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(f, true);
            mt.Contents = text;

In both cases, a non-working field is obtained. If the user tries to edit such a field, it disappears. If I use the debugger and check the status of the field after the evaluation, I always get InvalidContext.
Exactly the same problems occur when I insert field in a table.
Help please make BricsCAD work with fields.


  • Support ++

    I have the same problem in Lisp.

    Using this code

    works fine in AutoCAD for single and multiple selection.

    In Bricscad it works only with one single object, with multiple elements there is also the "\A" disappearing.

  • ...And the problem successfully migrated to V19 beta

  • Its_Alive
    edited December 2018

    Hi, Give this a whirl

            static private bool Func(Document doc, Database db, Editor ed)
                    ObjectId id = ed.GetEntity("Get it:").ObjectId;
                    string fc = string.Format("\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId {0}>%).Layer", id);
                    ObjectId mtId;
                    using (MText mt = new MText())
                        using (var ms = db.CurrentSpaceId.Open(OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord)
                            mtId = ms.AppendEntity(mt);
                    using (MText mt = mtId.Open(OpenMode.ForWrite) as MText)
                        using (Field pfield = new Field("The layer is: %<\\_FldIdx 0>%", true))
                            using (Field cfield = new Field(fc,false))
                                FieldCodeWithChildren fcwc = pfield.GetFieldCodeWithChildren();
                                fcwc.Add(0, cfield);
                                pfield.SetFieldCodeWithChildren(FieldCodeFlags.PreserveFields, fcwc);
                                pfield.EvaluationOption = FieldEvaluationOptions.Automatic;
                                cfield.EvaluationOption = FieldEvaluationOptions.Automatic;
                                mt.SetField("TEXT", pfield);
                                cfield.Evaluate((int)FieldEvaluationOptions.OnDemand, db);
                                pfield.Evaluate((int)FieldEvaluationOptions.OnDemand, db);
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    ed.WriteMessage("\nMessage-{0}\nStack Trace-{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
                    return false;
                return true;
  • So very difficult way around.... I can not even think how to screw itto my code. ...Especially when I need to fill the table with fields.
    But maybe someone is useful. Thank.

  • @avc said:
    So very difficult way around.... I can not even think how to screw itto my code. ...Especially when I need to fill the table with fields.
    But maybe someone is useful. Thank.

    Well you did say mtext ;-)

    yeah, a little more verbose, but not impossible .. so here's a version for tables

           static private bool Func(Document doc, Database db, Editor ed)
                    ObjectId id = ed.GetEntity("\nSelect entity:").ObjectId;
                    ObjectId tid = ed.GetEntity("\nSelect Table:").ObjectId;
                    if (!tid.ObjectClass.IsDerivedFrom(RXClass.GetClass(typeof(Table))))
                        return false;
                    Point3d hitPoint = ed.GetPoint("\nPoint point in Cell").Value;
                    string fc = string.Format("\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId {0}>%).Layer", id);
                    using (Table table = tid.Open(OpenMode.ForWrite) as Table)
                        TableHitTestInfo info = table.HitTest(hitPoint, Vector3d.ZAxis);
                        if (info.Type == TableHitTestType.Cell && info.Row >=0 && info.Column >= 0)
                            using (Field pfield = new Field("The layer is: %<\\_FldIdx 0>%", true))
                                using (Field cfield = new Field(fc, false))
                                    ObjectId fid = db.AddDBObject(pfield);
                                    FieldCodeWithChildren fcwc = pfield.GetFieldCodeWithChildren();
                                    fcwc.Add(0, cfield);
                                    pfield.SetFieldCodeWithChildren(FieldCodeFlags.PreserveFields, fcwc);
                                    pfield.EvaluationOption = FieldEvaluationOptions.Automatic;
                                    cfield.EvaluationOption = FieldEvaluationOptions.Automatic;
                                    if (table.GetNumberOfContents(info.Row, info.Column) == 0)
                                        table.CreateContent(info.Row, info.Column, 0);
                                    table.SetFieldId(info.Row, info.Column, fid);
                                    cfield.Evaluate((int)FieldEvaluationOptions.OnDemand, db);
                                    pfield.Evaluate((int)FieldEvaluationOptions.OnDemand, db);
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    ed.WriteMessage("\nMessage-{0}\nStack Trace-{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
                    return false;
                return true;
  • I understood the meaning. Thank you Daniel!

  • hello, thank you very much for this productive sharing. but the part I couldn't solve was the fields made using the formula. that is, I can connect the length of a line with this method, but I could not be successful in a field that I wanted to create by multiplying the length of the line by 100. Does anyone have any knowledge about this?