Resolving unresolved xRef.

I have a rather large project that has several xRefs (some nested). I need to export the files to a servicing authority that has provided a package that checks for missing and unresolved xRefs. If there is an unresolved xRef it reports a warning that there is a xRef that is unresolved but not the name of the xRef.
Is there a way in BricsCAD of determining which xRef is unresolved. I've loaded the drawing into AutoCAD and it displays which xRef is unresolved.


  • If you open a DWG with unresolved Xrefs there should be a popup warning you about the issue. This popup also lists the missing Xrefs. Maybe you have disabled it? Check you XREFNOTIFY variable.

    Alternatively you can use the XREF command to check Xrefs.
  • If you run the ETRANSMIT command, it will open the Dependencies tab in the drawing EXPLORER. This will list all the dependent objects attached to your drawing in a tree structure. Any that are missing will be show with an exclamation sign.

    Jason Bourhill
    BricsCAD V23 Ultimate
    CAD Concepts


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