Printing to PLT downscales the drawing by about 5-6%

Printing to PLT downscales the drawing by about 5-6%. For example, if you measure a line on a DWG printout, then measure the same line on a PLT printout you will notice the PLT line is shorter than the DWG line by about 5%.One would actually have to define the scale on Bcad to 1:95 if he wants a true result of 1:100 on paper.This has been tested on both Icad4 and Bcad5 on two separate printers. Can anyone else confirm this?


  • Please describe the printer, and send us a drawing. Is the scale factor the same along the length as along the width? We will analyze it to find out what your specific problem is, and see what we can do about it.Bricscad does not use calibration files (PMP) to compensate for deviations on some printers . But on our tests on designjet(large) and on laserjet(small) printers the relative deviation is small. For an A0 it is less than 0.001. Alexander Van Heuverzwynbricscad

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