3D Stretch?
What am I missing? Something that works like 2D Stretch but in 3D - box-select a bunch of ends of objects then 2 clicks for the stretch (or shrink) vector - any suggestions?
Hello I am working on a simple part. I use BRICSCAD pretty much the same thing as AUTOCAD. How can I extend a part without affecting certain areas. On the sample picture below I want to maintain the properties in red but what to extend whats in blue and not affect whats in red. How can I accomplish that? When I push pull it just makes the end bigger and changes the properties at the end.
In addition, This is what I currently do to accomplish what I need. I have to create a slice and push/pull the face to the length desired. I will then union the pieces together.
The answer is here
Thank you very much. This was so simple. I spent so long trying doing my work around. This is going to save me quite a bit of time!
Good innit? but undocumented I think.
Yep this is great! thanks everyone.