FREE PDF Printer

Check out PDF reDirect on Download.comIt works great, just print like normal to the PDF printer and in the program you can merge multiple PDF and even stamp the PDF with a DRAFT overlay...Steve


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  • I've had problems when I tested some of the free PDF printers last year when printing DWG files. (stray lines, etc). Two of them were CutePDF and PDF995. There seems to be an explosion of these types of programs, so I am sure there are more, and that the ones I tested have been updated.What kind of drawings have you tested this on? Have there been any problems at all?Joe Dunfee

  • I use PDF995 with no problems at all. I paid for the license as I use it a lot since PDF has become a very common way of distributing drawings lately. It is possible to create 3d viewable 3d PDF's from 3d .dwg's now - Adobe v7 can read them, not sure which programs can create them but they are neat.

  • I´ve also used the free PDF995 for years and never had any problems.I also user 995s omniformat and pdfedit (free) for making .jpg from PDFs for inputting as raster in my cadfiles.(pdfedit stamping and merging files)Patrik

  • Well, as well as conscience, PDF995's extra screen for free users proved to be an obstruction to fast printing of multiple drawings and prompted me to become totally honest... and it really was dead cheap for such a good and useful program. How software should be I reckon.

  • I will mention one other issue that I have come across regarding PDF printers. I've been evaluating CAD markup programs, and some of them can create PDF's. One made a file 10 times large than the PDF X-change program I normally use.I know Cadalyst did a review of various PDF printers a while back... but this stuff changes so rapidly it is impossible to keep up.Joe Dunfee

  • I tested PDF ReDirect and it worked flawlessly. I've also used PrimoPDF with no problems. The added benefit of PDF ReDirect is that you can also merge multiple pdf files into one.

  • ProgeCad provides a PDF printer driver with its free versions.

  • I use PDF redirect with all CAD drawings.... Works great, any thing from letter size to big plans... seems to be reasonable file sizes... its saved in the PDF as vectors not rasters so its generally very small. The best thing about the redirect is there are no freeware messages. and you easily merge pdfs in to multipage document...I've also used the program to create PDFs from MapTech Topomap software, Adobe Photoshop, word, word perfect... it has worked flawlessly so far for me on everything. And its fast. If you print multiple documents to it, like say a word doc, then a cad plan, it will keep the temp pdfs in a que so you can save them together.... or you can merge multiple pdfs that you already created... I even printed a couple pages from a 100 page pdf document, directly to PDF redirect and it cut those pages right out of the original PDF...The freeware version lets you save at a couple different quality levels, so size shouldn't be an issue. The professional version only give you a little more functionality for add in pages #s, stamping the document as draft, etc.I've tried a bunch of them and this program clear is the best... and it doesn't have nagging menus for you to register, or watermarks for an unregistered copy. Its possible that there is a time limit, but I've used it for a month will no issues....

  • I have PDF995. Paid for the license and it works well and is reasonably quick.

  • Pdfcreator is powerful, free, open source, without nags or licenses. I recommend it to anyone looking for a pdf printer driver. Together with Foxit Reader it makes a pretty complete pdf solution. useful pdf software

  • I should mention that Docu-Tracks PDF Xchange viewer [] is a substitute for Adobe's PDF viewer.The big benefit is that Docu-Track's version allows markup ability. Another feature of particular use to for CAD drawings, is their Loupe tool, where a window appears that is a zoomed in view of the large drawing. I've used their PDF creator ($30) for several months now with good results... also a small file size when compared to some of the competitors.Joe Dunfee

  • Can you batch print in Bricscad using PDF995?I looked on the web site and all it mentionedwas the ability to batch print from MS Officeor Word.

  • Assuming you mean just pick the file names and say "print" to all?All I have been able to do with PDF995 is print individually, but always have to set up the first job for paper size, select PDF995 as printer, PDF file destination etc anyway.Also I really have to open each dwg just to check the view/zoom/plot scale etc is what is required.I also find, in a group of plots, sometimes Icad's current print settings revert to those used in a previous (different) print job for that file, or perhaps a more default setup. So I need to check that for each print.

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