Printing again

Does anyone else routinely print a dotted linetype? I use Dot4 which has always printed in the past, but won't in 9.1.6. Prints dotted lines blank while everything else in the print is OK using either of my inkjets (HP/Brother). The frustrating (or interesting, depending...) thing is the lines appear in ppview and show up in PDF just fine using PDF995. If I change the linetype to something else they print.


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  • YES, I was getting ready to write in about this but you beat me to it John. We use a lot of custom line-types featuring dots. We print them very wide and bold for public meetings. I just discovered that none of the dotted line-types print correctly. It looks like the dot is missing, however, if you look very closely you can see an faint tiny dot. I can print with v8 and everything is correct. This is a real problem for us. Please fix ASAP.Thanks

  • This is embarrassing: we had an automated test in place, specifically for this issue because it existed a while ago, and our test reports showed it had failed, but we thought it was a false alarm raised by another issue.NOT...This is a lesson.We apologize and have scheduled a priority release for tomorrow.

  • I have just upgraded to 9.1.8 and unless I am being stupid and have missed a setting, the problem with printing dots appears to still be there. It's OK in print preview and printing to pdf but on paper the dots are not visible both on line types and shading. This was supposed to be fixed on 9.1.7. Am I missing something?

  • Hi Andrew,printing issues depend on a ton of settings, to fix an issue we need a way to reproduce it. Can you please file a support request and attach a sample drawing, specify the printer driver being used and also attach the ctb or stb file used. We will be glad to investigate the cause of the problem you experience.

  • I verified this issue and the fix we made for very faint dotted lines is indeed in V9.1.8. The fix works. So we will need a supportrequest for details.

  • Mine print perfectly now.

  • Although the automated print tests, run after every modification applied to the Bricscad source code, were passing OK after the fix that was applied, and although John's drawings print OK now, Andrew is proven absolutely right: we could reproduce the missing dots with the drawing that Andrew provided...We are working on a fix for this case of disappearing dots and we have added Andrew's drawing to our test suite to make sure the problem is not reintroduced.

  • If it's the same old problem, the dots might appear in PDF's on screen, but when you print the PDF they are too faint to see on paper.Just a possibility - is it only the dots and are they all missing?I had (semi-random) missing entities in certain areas of prints, separate from the dot issue. The only resolution came when I Copied all the entities in juxtaposition and erase-previous'd them. The problem file now prints properly.Just an outside suggestion.

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