DosLib for BricsCAD lite
Hi, I started porting DosLib to SDS, so it can run on lite most of the functions are working... enjoy https://github.com/CEXT-Dan/DOSLib/releases1 -
Re: Forum - edit a quote
actually, that worked pretty good1 -
Re: Call Lisp command via .NET C#
import traceback from pyrx_imp import Rx, Ge, Db, Ap, Ed, Gi, Gs def PyRxCmd_calllisp(): try: args = [(Rx.LispType.kText, "c:mycircle"), (Rx.LispType.kPoint3d, Ge.Point3d(0, 0, 0)), (Rx.Lis…1 -
Re: -Wblock Multiple Blocks?
interesting, I get separate blocks1 -
Re: Incomplete AcString helper functions?
BRX is a bit behind. You will need to report the missing function(s) as a support request Then find a work-around AcDbHandle(const ACHAR*) bool getIntoAsciiBuffer(ACHAR* pBuf, size_t nBufLen) const;/…1