Re: Cant split list into separate element (LISP noob)
Hello. The arguments of the (vl-string-split) function are reversed in this case. Instead of: (vl-string-split closestContent "/") you should use: (vl-string-split "/" closestCont…1 -
Re: Print BIM Sections with text
Hello. BIM section entities work only with 3D entities. 2D and text entities are not included in the result of a BIM section. The alternative would be to create an additional standard viewport in a l…1 -
Re: Print BIM Sections with text
Hello. The approach I mentioned is not a specification - it is not the intended way of working. It is just something that works in this particular case.1 -
Re: I wish to download bricscad documentation
Hello. You could use the provided link, which will open a web page dedicated to Lisp Developer Support Package (LDSP) . There you could download the LDSP package. The PDF file is included in the pack…1 -
Hello. Moving vertices is restricted by the configuration of the solid. With the example from the pictures, all faces are flat and bounded by 4 edges. If just one vertex is moved, at least one of the…1