// Next available MSG number is 40 // MODULE_ID FILTER_DCL_ /* Next available MSG number is 57 */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FILTER.DCL Version 1.0 // // Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996 by Autodesk, Inc. // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software // for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided // that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and // that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and // restricted rights notice below appear in all supporting // documentation. // // AUTODESK PROVIDES THIS PROGRAM "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. // AUTODESK SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF // MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE. AUTODESK, INC. // DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM WILL BE // UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. // // Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to // restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (Commercial Computer // Software - Restricted Rights) and DFAR 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) // (Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software), as applicable. // //. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Filter.dcl - uses ssget to make filtered selection sets via dialogues. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //dcl_settings : default_dcl_settings { audit_level = 3; } filter : dialog { aspect_ratio = 0; label = "Object Selection Filters"; : list_box { key = "filter_str_list"; width = 67; height = 6; tabs = "20 22 25 35 37 40 50 52 55"; tab_truncate = true; } : row { : boxed_column { label = "Select Filter"; fixed_width = true; : row { : popup_list { key = "filter_by"; width = 22; } : button { label = "Select..."; key = "select"; mnemonic = "e"; vertical_alignment = top; } } : row { : text { label = "X:"; mnemonic = "X"; key = "x_text"; } : popup_list { key = "x_op"; edit_width = 5; fixed_width = true; } : edit_box { label = ""; key = "x_value"; width = 20; } } : row { : text { label = "Y:"; mnemonic = "Y"; key = "y_text"; } : popup_list { key = "y_op"; edit_width = 5; fixed_width = true; } : edit_box { label = ""; key = "y_value"; width = 20; } } : row { : text { label = "Z:"; mnemonic = "Z"; key = "z_text"; } : popup_list { key = "z_op"; edit_width = 5; fixed_width = true; } : edit_box { label = ""; key = "z_value"; width = 20; } } : row { : button { label = "Add to List"; key = "add_to_list"; mnemonic = "L"; } : button { label = "Substitute"; key = "substitute"; mnemonic = "S"; } } : button { label = "Add Selected Object <"; key = "select_entity"; mnemonic = "E"; } } : column { : row { : button { label = "Edit Item"; key = "edit"; mnemonic = "I"; fixed_width = true; } : button { label = "Delete"; key = "remove"; fixed_width = true; mnemonic = "D"; } : button { label = "Clear List"; key = "clear_list"; fixed_width = true; mnemonic = "C"; } } : boxed_column { label = "Named Filters"; : popup_list{ label = "Current:"; mnemonic = "u"; key = "named_lists"; width = 14; } : row { : button { label = "Save As:"; key = "save_as"; fixed_width = true; mnemonic = "v"; } : edit_box { label = ""; key = "new_name"; edit_width = 20; edit_limit = 18; } } : row { : button { label = "Delete Current Filter List"; key = "delete_list"; mnemonic = "F"; } } } : row { fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; : button { label = " Apply "; key = "apply"; mnemonic = "A"; fixed_width = true; width = 8; alignment = centered; } : spacer { width = 2; } cancel_button; : spacer { width = 2; } help_button; } } } : errtile { width = 60; } } single_table : dialog { key = "title"; width = 30; : edit_box { label = "Pattern:"; key = "pattern"; edit_width = 15; } : list_box { key = "table_match"; width = 45; multiple_select = true; } spacer; ok_cancel; errtile; } already_exists : dialog { label = "Warning"; : paragraph { : text_part { label = "A Filter List with this name already exists."; } : text_part { label = "Do you want to redefine it?"; } } spacer_1; : row { fixed_width = true; alignment = centered; : button { label = "Redefine"; mnemonic = "R"; key = "redefine"; width = 8; } : spacer { width = 2; } : default_button { label = "Cancel"; mnemonic = "C"; key = "cancel"; width = 8; } } }