INSERT bug again

When calling INSERT via (command "._insert" ...) from Lisp then Bricscad does nothing. This bug has been in previous versions of Bricscad, but it was OK in version 10.1.10, and it is here again with 10.2.5.


  • found the cause of the problem: BricsCAD changed the result from (getvar "acadver") from "17.0" to "17.1". Since I am writing code that runs on both AutoCAD and BricsCAD, I needed to switch to workarounds for some BricsCAD bugs, and I used the result of "acadver" for that. And now, when BricsCAD changed the result, my app could not switch to the workarounds and caused bugs.

    BTW - I am using (command ":_insert" ....) as a workaround for (entmake '((0 . "INSERT")...)))) which does not work in BricsCAD as it does in AutoCAD.

  • I just put this at the beginning of my main loading lisp:

    (setq @bcad (not (wcmatch (getvar "ACADVER") "*Bricscad*")))
    and then use (if @bcad ...) for any specific bricscad stuff
  • Sorry, mixed it up with something else, that's

    (setq @bcad (wcmatch (getvar "ACADVER") "*Bricscad*"))
  • Of course there is also the Bricscad-only system variable VERNUM.

  • I tried (getvar "_vernum") and I get "10.2.3 (UNICODE)", so okay

    (dang, gotta upgrade to 10.2.6)

    but I tried it in Autocad R14 (okay, laugh, that's what we're using, and why we're interested in bricscad)

    and I get "S.0.79".

    So you can't use it as a nil <-> T bollean indicator variable without too much parsing.

    So I still suggest this lisp fragment to get  "nil" if not Bricscad:

    (setq @bcad (wcmatch (getvar "ACADVER") "*Bricscad*"))
  • Yaakov: Thank you for that information. When I said "Bricscad-only" I was quoting the BC7-help...
    FYI: In BC 7.1.0018 ACADVER is 15i

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