Is this the answer ?
Is this the answer to replacing Autocad with a system that works, is compatable with the ADT that our clients use and is affordable? We are getting PO'd at the constant increases and additional costs associated with AutoCAD. We are a bldg services engineering firm that currently has 17 seats of R14 w/Softdesk S8 and 6 seats of 2000i. Now Autodesk tells us we have to by ADT3.3 to run the new Building Services Mech and Elec and also we have to upgrade our 2000i because the new license manager will not support 2000i and our current license manager will not support the new upgrade. AND we HAVE to purchase a support subscription for all the building services software! We are talking $40K+ w/o training. HELP
I don't pretend to be an authority on the theme. I hope Intellicad becomes the answer but I think that LESS is MORE as Mies said. I don't belive that Intellicad shoud try to make a full, comprehensive, render-3d-all-in one product that NOBODY USES. We really need a good and trustworthy drafting machine that AUTOCAD was in the goog old times of rel 10 (for DOS). The rest of the things should come in packages that are add-ons to use in very few computers. That, I think will be the solution must of us need.