Aligning Paper Space Viewport Entities
(A.)With the lack of MVSETUP in Bricsnet's ICAD,does anyone have a way to align entities fromdifferent Viewports within "Paper Space".Again, Im not aligning the ViewPorts, I wantto align specific entities in respect to differentview ports, handled through MVSETUP.Any ideas, or am I missing something ????(B.)Which leads to another question.Also, in ACAD, while the user is in Paper Space the entities which lie in the model space background are still able to be objectsnaped to. A great way as well to get PaperSpace dist. and pan viewport as needed toalign. Is there a system variable I'm justmissing to make this happen in ICAD, or simplynot an option ?????Thanks, in advance.
As far as I know, Object Snaps to Model Spaceentities from Paper Space is not supported as it is in Acad/Aclt. This makes alignment tasksinefficient and inaccurate as you may have toresort to zooming in and doing it by eye.