AutoCAD Icons

IntelliCAD 98 did not support the "AutoCAD Icons" but did provide an imagemenu.dll and an image.dcl that approximated the AutoCAD Icons. Does IntelliCAD support the "AutoCAD Icons". I cannot get the imagemenu files to work in IntelliCAD 2000.


  • IntelliCAD 98 did not support the "AutoCAD>Icons" but did provide an imagemenu.dll and an>image.dcl that approximated the AutoCAD Icons.>Does IntelliCAD support the "AutoCAD Icons".>I cannot get the imagemenu files to work in>n IntelliCAD 2000.nullgo here for version for bricsnet icad.

  • If you mean can you import the Acad button images into Icad then the answer is yes.In Acad you can use their button edit function to create your own buttons. Using the "Save As" feature you can save the bitmaps and import them into Icad. This applies to the "in the box" Acad buttons as well.There is a little quirk however. When you view the saved Bitmaps you will find they are saved with the fileextension .BMP (Upper Case). To import them into Icad you need to change this to .bmp (Lower case).Don't know why this should be in Win95 as I thought this OS was case insensitive. Anyway this does work.

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