Entity Snaps

I've just downloaded version 3.1.0009 of Intellicad and discovered the entity snaps don't work the way the help document says they are supposed to work. Help says: "You can work with entity snaps in one of two ways (1) Enable a running entity snap that remains in effect until you turn it off by choosing an entity snap when no other command is active (2) Enable a one-time entity snap for a single selection by choosing an entity snap when another command is active. You can also use a one-time entity snap to override a running entity snap." There is no "one-time" entity snap. Whenever an entity snap is chosen whether during an active command or not that snap is simply added to the list. Can this be fixed to work the way the Help documentation says it should. I use this feature a lot and its one of the reasons I'm still using Icad 98


  • Since you are having trouble with this, you must be trying to do it with the toolbars. For each snap item in the toolbar, remove the ', e.g. change '_NEAREST to _NEAREST. That should fix the problem.It is often faster to set one-time snaps using the Shift+Right Click method (optionally the middle button if you have a wheel/3-button mouse)

  • Thank you very much!I deleted the apostrophe and the toolbar buttons are working just like they're supposed to.

  • Makes me wonder why those apostrophes are there in the first place.

  • Single shot esnaps can be chosen from the entity snap context menu.The enity snap context menu displays:- when you press shift+right click- when you press the middle mouse button, on condition the MBUTTONPAN variable is set to OFF.When MBUTTONSNAP is ON, you can pan by pressing the middle mouse button.

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