VB Add-in

IntelliCAD is a fantastic product at a fantastic price.I have developed VBA application, and converted to VBVB is more secure, but much slower than VBA.So I am developing VB6 add-in version, to get both speed and security.How do you register the add-in?The add-in manager does not have this AutoCAD option


  • Ferdinand Janssens at BricsCad has been very helpful in supplying a sample Add-in template for VB6.VBA is fine for small quick functions, but there is no code security, and migrating referenced activex components can be inconvenient. There are advantages in using VB6 development, for speed and security and portability. VBA is an expensive component to include, and IntelliCAD is cheap already without bundling 'free' VBA. BricsCad seem to be alone in not bundling VBA, but their support is amongst the best. I would prefer the money spent on developing and supporting IntelliCAD, but have the option of paying extra for the VBA version.

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