Bricscad seems to have solved the snap to pointcloud pt issue that acad still suffers from!

James Maeding
edited June 2023 in Point Clouds
Hello All,
I mostly post to adesk groups, but watch both progs.
I grabbed the latest ver 23 bcad and pulled in a drone flight .laz we did last week.
BTW, anyone thinking about the dji mavic3e, buy it. We do ppk with it and are finding we use GCP's as check points only. The results just using photo locations adjusted for base station using TBC, come out so good. acad, if you try to snap to pt of a pt cloud on state plane coords (far from 0,0), it does not find them well. You have to hover the cursor in mid air around a point and it finds it away from the pt shown on screen. Super annoying.
Bcad has solved that. It just works. I did not check in v22 but v23 is humming right along.
One more thing bcad does right, good job developers!