Undo bug

I just installed version 4.1.0016 and right away tried to use the undo button and got no response. I tried another process followed by the undo and again got no response.I am going back to .0009 until the fixes are in.


  • Does it work if you type on the commandline: _U ?because that is exactly what the button does. In that case, the menu is broken, not the undo command, and you have to reset the menus and toolbars with the command 'customize' . Going back to version 4-1-0009 probably won't help.Alexander Van Heuverzwyn,bricscad

  • I think I reacted to quickly. Last night after uninstalling .0016 and reinstalling .009, I had a similar problem with undo. So I shut down the program and restarted it and it worked just fine. So today, I have reinstalled .0016 on my office computer and the undo is working fine. I retract my statement regarding an "undo" bug, there apparently is none.Sorry for the quick judgement.

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