evil extrude solid Z direction behavior

Extrude solid behaves differently depending on the entity being extruded. Draw a circle and a rectangle at Z=0. Extrude each 1/2" and observe that the circle will get extruded negative Z and the rectangle will be positive Z. I was working on extruding much more complex part but the circle and box reproduces the problem. lwpolylines are inconsistent in that a rect is different than an edited (joined) polyline.Version 4.1.0016. Thanks


  • Please note that the extrusion direction depends on the direction of the extruded polyline. In IntelliCAD a counter clockwise direction is evaluated as being positive. Polylines which have a counter clockwise direction are extruded in the positive Z direction. Circles are created with a counter clockwise direction by default. Rectangles created by clicking first the bottom left then the top right corner have a counter clockwise direction, rectangles created top left, bottom right corner have a clockwise direction. The direction of a polyline can be altered with the Edit Polyline (pedit) command.

  • Thanks Louis for the speedy reply. Is there somethng in the documentation/help file that I missed ? My ACAD books don't mention this.I can do the edit polyline - it beats trial and error and flipping the extrude distance. Other than noting the sequence of the cordinates from a list command is there a better way to know the direction since the edit command option reverses direction ?

  • As far as I know there is no command that displays the direction of a polyline. As described in my first reply you can control the direction of rectangles by the sequence and position of the two corners that define the rectangle.

  • I'm experiencing inconsistent results. Draw a circle. Draw a rect L-R. Copy the circle 3 times, then the rect. Individually extrude each one 1". Generally at least one of the circles or rects will be going a different Z than the others. If I extrude all at the same time they are all extruded consistently.Thanks

  • You're right, I did get the same results. I will report this bug to the Bricscad development team.

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