viewport locking

How do you lock viewports in model spaceand how do you dimensioned it ????and how do you put a viewport on a right scaleplease help me!!!


  • With locking, do you mean locking the scale? IntelliCAD does not have scale locking yet. To set the scale of a viewport relative to paperspace, the command ZOOM has an option 'nXP', where you can enter the ratio of modelspace units to paperspace units. For dimensioning, do you mean placing dimensions in paperspace to measure entities that are in viewports?This works, of course, but the problem is that you cannot snap to the entities in the viewport. This task is on our agenda for this summer.Alexander Van Heuverzwyn,Bricscad

  • This may help. I'm just getting back into this after a long time away from it.I use the little window in the lower right corner of the screen, that says "TILE" starting out. If you double-click it, you can go between "TILE", "MODEL", and "PAPER". In "MODEL" (floating viewports) you can do your work within each viewport.When you're done there, ZOOM, say 1/96xp, to get the viewport to plot at 1/8" scale.Toggle back to "PAPER" and draw the size of the sheet you're plotting to, say 24" x 18", and move the viewports around until you get your drawings to fit inside it. Then plot from the "PAPER" view at 1:1.It's hard to get the drawing centered inside the viewport the way you want sometimes. I have to contiually (in "MODEL") zoom all, then zoom window, to get nearly centered, before using zoom 1/96xp. Takes practice, I think.

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