Paperspace Redraws
When several layouts are present, is anyone having problems switching between the layouts and the screen "failing to redraw"?If I have two layouts present and switch between them (with a fairly large drawing open) the screen does not redraw the layout and I must either issue the "scrollbar" command or attempt to "select" the entire screen with the bounding box to get it to redraw. . .Any ideas. . .anyone. . it's quite annoying. . but tolerable. .(as my wife would say I am. . )Thanks!
This is not a general problem. There must be something specific to your drawing(common, or not common) , that makes this happen. Does it make a difference if you switch all layouts to the paperspace viewport (system variable CVPORT=1). Maybe this will make things advance faster: Can you send us an example drawing? then we should be able to quickly see what the problem is.kind regards,Alexander Van Heuverzwyn, Bricscad
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Unfortunately, I can not send you a sample dawing. This particular group of drawings is bound by confidentiallity.I will try the CVPORT variable, but I suspect this is something to do with the drawing from the Arch. I've done MANY drawings for this particular group and this is the ONLY one that I have had a problem with.. (and its really not THAT big of a problem to tell you the truth). It's more of an annoyance than a problem. (More along the lines of wives and mothers-in-law than anything else. . ya know?)Thanks for the help Alexander!
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I just use REDRAWALL (shortcut RA) to redraw all of the views. Hope this helps.