Configuration in V8
[2007-10-02] How to save a user profile? When a user makes a modification in her configuration, the next time of starting Bricscad the modifications is disappeared.For instance, we made a ".arg" profile containing certain settings. But when loading the profile we don't see any differences.Hope someone has a solution!!Erwin
I don't know what an ARG profile is, but since no one else has answered: maybe it should be stored in the user's Documents and Settings folder, where most user preferences are kept.It's C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\BricSys\BricsCad\V8\
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In other words, Is it possible to make network settings for all the BricCAD users.Normaly it is saved in de registry but we want to save it to a file. In that case a new user can import it's settings?
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The /P argfilename option is missing in V8. the feature is to be reimplemented.A clarification on arg files as they now work in V7: the arg file is a registry file. It contains userprofile data to write in the registry. You can create one by opening the userprofilemanager and exporting a profile. If you start bricscad with the "/P argfilename" the content of the file is only used once, when creating a new profile. Once the profile exists only the name of the arg file will be used, and its data will not overwrite the data in the registry. kind regards,Alexander Van HeuverzwynBricsys
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In the current release (BricscadClassic-V8.1.6-1-en_US.exe) the option /p is supported, but doesn't works.In dutch:Zelfs in de huidige versie van Bricscad BricscadClassic-V8.1.6-1-en_US.exe kan ik de optie /p met verwijzing naar een arg file niet gebruiken. De test "/p c:\piet.arg" komt niet aan in bricscad, want zodra gestart zie ik dat nog steeds "default"geladen is.Hoe dit op te lossen?Erwin
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In Dutch: Het werkt wel, maar je geeft een fout commando. Het correcte commando is:bricscad.exe /p . Zorg ervoor dat het profiel (.arg) in de Profile Manager geïmporteerd is.In English: It does work, but you enter the wrong command. The correct command sequence is bricscad.exe /p . Make sure the profile (.arg) is imported in the Profile Manager.
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Er is in mijn vorige reply een deel van de tekst weggevallen: commando is: bricscad.exe /p profilename.Part of the text in my previous reply has disappeared:command is: bricscad.exe /p profilename