Changing to Landscape in Page Setup

Just bought bricscad V8 for our 5 computers at work.On 2 of the computers when you go into the page setup and try to change it to landscape it freezes (when it does the the CPU usage spikes and stays at 100% bu the program goes nowhere). The other 3 computers are fine and the only difference is that they run windows xp opposed to windows 2000.Everyother prgram is fine changing between landscape and portrait (including an oldversion of intellicad 2001) its only Bricscad that has issues.


  • All Bricscad V8 dialogs are reimplemented using WxWidgets in order to allow us to also create a native Linux version of Bricscad. In some contexts, the WxWidgets radiobutton implementation has a flaw when running on Windows 2000. We implemented a workaround fot the cases where we could reproduce the error. We could (and can) not reproduce the problem with the portrait/landscape buttons on our windows 2000 test machine, but your description sounds exactly the same as for the cases where we could reproduce it, so we will apply the workaround code also here. The fix will become available in the coming weeks. We apologize for this inconvenience.

  • Thank you very much.How will I know when the update is available and how do I update our software with it?

  • BumpAny answer to this?

  • Notification of updates is emailed regularly if you have a support agreement. You just have to be patient :)

  • Dear Raymond, in the recently released V8.2.10 the issue with radiobuttons has been fixed, it is available for download from the website. Curious to find out why you have not been notified about this release, I went to look up your user account and noticed that at present you are still logged as a prospect, not a user. If this is not correct please let us know, we will be glad to update our database.Kind regards,Hans

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