Problem with tabs settings in list_box



I would like to ask you about solving problem with tabs settings in list_box. I have an application, which is working on AutoCAD as well as on BricsCAD version 6 and 7. There is row in DCL file: 

: list_box { key="LIST"; width=80; height=30; tabs="5 10 20 30 40 50"; tab_truncate=false; }

Tab marks are on 5, 10, 20, … positions. When \t is in text, next text starts on nearest next tab mark (text is not truncated when is more wide than column width). It works OK in AutoCAD, as well as in previous versions of BricsCAD. But it is not work in BricsCAD 9 - text is always truncated according to column width; only last part of text is OK. It looks that tab_truncate settings is ignored, because when tab_truncate=true is set, left columns are the same and last column is truncated too.


Question: is there any way how to make it working it as before????


Note: all operation with list_box (loading list, operation after clicking or double clicking on row) are considerable slower in comparison with BricsCAD version 6 and 7 on the same hardware. Is there any way how to make it more quickly as in previous version was?


Thank you for your help



Petr Slavata


  • We received your support request this morning and have been investigating the problem all day. We are preparing a response.

    Thanks for your patience.


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