Change Z value (COPYPASTE)

After copypaste operation Z coordinates of blocks and text insert points (and some other) are changed from 0 to other value. Because _flatten command doesn't work correctly with blocks (see my SR20923 from 17/09/09, which doesn't fix too) we can't use it and we have now many problems with non-planar drawings which are result of copypaste operations. I send my SR21373 from 16/10/09 about this major problem. But no any results yet.

In v.10.2.3 this bugs doesn't fix again. When Bricsys plan to fix this bugs? We use v.9.3 now. Are you plan fix this big problem with v9.3?



  • Hello Evgeny,

    the small differences in Z coordinates introduced when COPY/PASTING entities are a source of lots of trouble, so we fully understand your grief that no action was taken yet. There has indeed been an internal communication problem, the issue was not sent on to the development department.

    Preliminary investigation learns that this is a long standing problem, already present in V8.3.  The incorrect Z-coordinate occurred if LWDISPLAY is ON and one of the pasted entities has non-default lineweight.

    For your information: we also have been working on improving the FLATTEN command, but unfortunately the new code did not make it into V10.2.3, we plan to include it in our next update release, which will also include the fix for the COPY/PASTE issue, scheduled for the coming days.

    Thanks again for insisting and helping us solve this important bug.


  • I wonder if that is related to a similar problem I have had with lines becoming non-flat.

    When I pulled the end of a gripped line, it would seem to not adhere not quite properly to the ortho setting.

    Similarly when a gripped line was changed to "perp" to another - it was not perp.

    Maybe that was when Z became non-0.

    Now Perp has been fixed I thought perhaps the other bits were fixed too.

  • I thought I'd add to this old thread as the changed Z issue caused me a major headache recently which was identified by Bricsys support.

    I could not understand why intersection snaps were not being found where they should have existed. Also it seemed that connecting entities to the snap points of other entities would "contaminate" them and stop intersection snaps subsequently being found.

    As it turned out I had been affected by the bug that changed Z coordinates of entities as mentioned in this thread, but all Z values appeared to be zero in the properties dialog. However, Bricsys advised me to change LUPREC to 8 to display values to a higher precision and this showed some entities to have Z coordinates slightly different to 0, but displayed as zero at default precsion.

    The FLATTEN command sorted the problem (although it seems to cause a few other problems as well!). The "contamination" I mentioned was because snaps are performed in 3D so snapping one entity to another was pulling the relevant entity grip off the Z=0 plane.

    This was all new to me as I have never had cause to work off the Z=0 plane, and had never needed to use flatten!

This discussion has been closed.