Mac OS for v10?

Are there plans to write Briscad to Mac OS in the near future.  My apologies if this already exists.  We are a windows/mac office and I'm looking into the software and that supports both.  There are very few, and Briscad really impresses me as a longtime Autocad user.  Bridging the two would change our office in a big way.




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  • Yes, we plan to work on a Bricscad for Mac version. We hope to have a prototype running by the end of this year. Then add a few months to iron out the wrinkles...

  • a variant would be to run Windows programs on Mac

    You have a Windows program that you need now and again? No problem. With the integrated program "Boot Camp"
    on every new Mac, Windows XP and Vista can be installed and run at native speed.

    The configuration is straightforward and your Mac files are reliably protected. After installing Boot
    Camp you can either restart the Mac with Mac OS X or Windows. You want Windows and Mac applications simultaneously
    use without rebooting? Then simply install Windows with VMware or Parallels software .*

    gruss Dani


    eine Variante wäre Windowsprogramme auf Mac auszuführen

    Du hast ein Windows Programm, das du hin und wieder brauchst? Kein Problem. Mit dem integrierten Programm "BootCamp"
    kann auf jedem neuen Mac Windows XP und Vista installiert und in nativer Geschwindigkeit ausgeführt werden.

    Die Konfiguration ist unkompliziert und deine Mac Dateien sind zuverlässig geschützt. Nach der Installation von Boot
    Camp kannst du den Mac wahlweise mit Mac OS X oder Windows starten. Du möchtest Windows und Mac Programme gleichzeitig
    ohne Neustart verwenden? Dann installiere Windows einfach mit der VMware oder Parallels Software.*

    gruss Dani

  • Hi there,


    I too am very keen to see a MacOS version of Bricscad.  I use a mac in an engineering office which uses Autocad (mostly on PCs) and I would really like to be able to use CAD without shutting down to use Bootcamp or getting into the network and printer difficulties that come with Parallels and Fusion on a Windoze network.   A good, .dwg-compatible CAD platform, that is similar to Autocad in use and that runs natively on Mac OSX is something that LOTS of Mac users have been waiting for for a long time now.  Good for you if you can do it.

    Meantime, I'll check-out the Bricscad interface on windows for now.

    Thanks and best regards


    Gary Dean

  • Is the project for a Mac version of Bricscad dead?

    Best regard Matthias Fisch

  • The plans for Mac OS are alive. Just give us some extra time. We target Q4

    Best regards,   erik

  • Is the project for a Mac version of Bricscad alive?

  • Please notify me when I can buy Bricscad for Mac OS X.
  •  Is the project for a Mac version of Bricscad dead?
  • @Aleksey,

    According to the Official Blog it is coming towards the end of the year.


    Jason Bourhill

    CAD Concepts

  • Hello end 2012 have you some news.
    Best regards Matthias Fisch
  •  We are still working on the porting to the Mac. We had a few extra issues to solve first, with new upgrades of WX Widgets - the technology which is responsible for our GUI on all platforms. This has slowed us down a bit. But the Mac version is coming, don't worry.

    Best regards,   erik
  • Hello, did you have for mac a beta version?
    best regard Matthias Fisch
  •  The plans for Bricscad Mac OS is Q4 2013 now or?
  •  Any Mac OS version ?
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