Pickstyle in V10

Is the pickstyle var functional in v10? The documentation mentions that hatch associativity is not yet supported (the second bit), but it seems that the first bit is also ignored (groups are selectable even if pickstyle is set to 0).  Any ideas?


  • I'm pretty sure hatch associativity is functional - I turned it off using HPASSOC because it sometimes inverted areas hatched with islands unhatched after initially showing correctly.

    I don't know about Pickstyle, some vars seem to have changed names retaining the originals as dummies for legacy (for what use that is).

    I have kept old documentation as reference for instances when new documentation is missing information, now the collection is such a jumble I don't know what is or isn't applicable or where to look.

  • @ John:

    Perhaps I need to clarify a bit: pickstyle determines the selection mode, if the first bit is set (values 1 or 3) , you select whole groups instead of single elements, if the second bit is set (values 2 or 3), the boundary of an associative hatch is pulled into the selection set when the hatch is selected. Now for the latter, it is known not to work (and I don't care), but if the former doesn't work, the whole group feature has to be considered defunct. In the V10 Evaluation-copy that I downloaded (I'm waiting for the linux version to buy), I cannot access individual entities in a group, the whole group gets selected even when pickstyle is set to 0. I don't know whether this has been working in former versions, or if it is a specific problem with my installation/ the evaluation copy, so I'm posting here for confirmation instead of filing a bug report.

  • Sorry, don't waste your time on this - it suddenly works, and I can't reproduce the circumstances under which it didn't, so I'll have a closer look when it happens next.

  • I have used probably every iteration of V10, but When I installed one or two revisions ago one session behaved strangely.

    Mostly CR's jumped in too early, at other times it needed a couple more than usual to complete a command.

    When I quit and opened the program again it worked fine and has had no problem since.

  • It did happen again - triggered by a lisp-macro that creates a group and than adds dimensions to it in a loop. This time the individual dimension objects get correctly highlighted when selected and are also editable when a command is invoked after selection, but when I invoke a command first and then select one dimension the whole group gets selected (all with pickstyle = 0). Once the problem arises, it seems to be persistent - I can close bricscad and reopen the drawing, and it's still there. While this creates just a minor nuisance, it still worries me a little, since it hints to a fault in the database that audit cannot see...

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