acutWcMatchEx problem ?

I ported a function from ARX to BRX. Could it be acutWcMatchEx gives me different results ?

I tested it with exactly the same strings on ACAD and BCAD and it seems that my results are different...




  • Dear Dirk, I just reviewed our implementation of "acutWcMatchEx()" - there was indeed a wrong logic implemented, which was not detected by our BRX test system :-(

    I just fixed the implementation, and extended the test code - now the former problem was correctly detected, and both implementation and test code are fine now.

    As a workaround, until next BRX is shipped, you might convert both the string and the pattern to either uppercase or lowercase, and use acutWcMatch() instead - this is fine.

    Many thanks for your feedback !

  • ok, i'll try that, thx for the fast feedback.

  • i tried that and it doesn't seem to solve my problem.

    Doing this and trying to verify something in a drawing i used FIND command. It seems that there a wildcard problems too...

    I have texts 288X3, 288A3 etc... in the drawing.

    When entering 288* i get no results ?... However 288X3 (a complete match) gives me a correct result.





  • Ooops - I'm not sure whether FIND command does allow wildcard searching ? Will try this ...

    Regarding BRX : can you send an acutWcMatch(Ex) sample statement, with string and pattern, that does not work ?
    Would be most interesting for me (and all of us) ... many greetings

















    index = m_ctlSect.GetCurSel();CMap<CString, LPCTSTR, AcDbObjectId, AcDbObjectId> *pMapParcel =

    (CMap<CString, LPCTSTR, AcDbObjectId, AcDbObjectId>*)m_ctlSect.GetItemDataPtr(index);




    (pMapParcel == NULL || pMapParcel->IsEmpty()){



    "Selecteer een geldige sectie AUB !"

    ), NULL, MB_OK); 








    (POSITION pos = pMapParcel->GetStartPosition(); pos != NULL; ){

    CString sTemp;

    AcDbObjectId id;

    pMapParcel->GetNextAssoc(pos, sTemp, id);





    (m_strParcel.IsEmpty() || acutWcMatch(sTemp, m_strParcel.MakeUpper()))m_aryId.append(id);





    (m_aryId.logicalLength() == 0){

    SetDlgItemText(IDC_RESULT, _T(


    "Geen punt gevonden !"


  • oops sorry about that.

    shouldn't wildcard need to work on FIND ?...





  • Dear Dirk, I mean a direct example like
    acutWcMatch(_T("myText"), _T("my*"));
    or similar :-)

    Can you give me such sample where acutWcMatch(Ex) does fail ?

  • hi,  sorry for late respond, been too busy...

    Solved it now.

    (acutWcMatch(sTemp.MakeUpper(), m_strParcel.MakeUpper()) == RTNORM)





  • Dear Dirk, do you also have a sample, where acutWcMatchEx() failed - I mean, with particular strings ?
    Thus we will be able to investigate and fix (our current tests are all fine).

  • hi,


    as far as i know it didn't work in any case. But this was probably caused by the same reason (not using ==RTNORM). However these functions worked fine in acad before. 

    Because you said "Dear Dirk, I just reviewed our implementation of "acutWcMatchEx()" - there was indeed a wrong logic implemented," 

    I didn't look into it further. I don't think there is a problem other then i had to use RTNORM. I didn't test it with acutWcMatchEx() now tho because for me the problem is solved.



  • With regards to the "find" command, wildcards don't work. (   ... bummer! :-) ... maybe the Bcad developers could put that on their list? like (wcmatch ... ) ? )

    But if you want to find (as in your example) texts "288X3", "288A3" etc... in a drawing

    you should enter "288" without the axterix, and it will find every text that contains  "288"

    (as though you entered *288*).

    (The "options..." button can enable "Find whole words only" if you need to find only  "288")

  • thx for the suggestion.

    btw: if this the only 'major' problem i came across after porting more then 2600 functions, i must say Bricscad is ..... brilliant !

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