BricsCAD V10 with Wine (Ubuntu 9.10)

I tried installing BricsCAD V10 Pro via Wine and it installed without error messages. however, I cannot start the application. it appears in the application start menue, but nothing hapens and I don't even see any error log.

does anyone know where to find a 'how to' description?


  • what console you told about?

     cannot start the application. it appears in the application start menue, but nothing hapens and I don't even see any error log.

    I am install BricsCAD roght now with this command

    ~>wine BricscadPro-V10.1.11-1-ru_RU.exe

    I got an Bricscad shortcut in my  kde menu (same gor gnome I guess)

    i look at it properties and got a line i need to run from console

    ~>env WINEPREFIX="/home/<YOURUSERNAME>/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\Bricsys\Bricscad V9\bricscad.exe"


    I found why it not working :)))) LOL

    C:\Program Files\Bricsys\Bricscad V9\bricscad.exe

    v9 is a proble, it should be v10

    ~>env WINEPREFIX="/home/<YOURUSERNAME>/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\Bricsys\Bricscad V10\bricscad.exe"

    thats it.

    You can edit your shortcut. But it is preffered that you run it from console. So you got a log.


  • Have you tried PlayOnLinux? I've downloaded but not yet tried it.

  • And how you write expansions BRX in Wine?

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