'Change Entity's Layer Color' button


What would be the expected procedure  to create a button which when after pressed and an entity is chosen, the entity's *layer* would be changed to a certain color ?



  • If you have a fixed colour (this uses colour 1) and you want to pre-select the entites try creating a toolbar button with:


    or if you want to choose the entities after the button click:


    but with the second option I think if you have PICKFIRST on and something it will not work properly.

    Of course, another option would be to create a LISP function and assign that to the command button.


  • Hmmm.... I did not read your question very well :-(

    Ok, you can create a toolbar button with ^C^CCHCOLOR if you load the LISP:

    ;; NOTE: I do not know anything about the "true colour" model
    ;; so this only works for standard colours.

    (defun C:CHCOLOR ( / co en el ln le ll)
    ;; Get a single entity and change the colour of the layer
    ;; it is on.

    ;; The colour to change the layer to
    (setq co 1) ; red

    (if (setq en (car (entsel)))
    ;; get the entity data list
    (setq el (entget en))

    ;; get the layer name
    (setq ln (cdr (assoc 8 el)))

    ;; get the layer entity name
    (setq le (tblobjname "LAYER" ln))

    ;; get the layer data
    (setq ll (entget le))

    ;; change the layer colour
    (setq ll
    (cons 62 co)
    (assoc 62 ll)
    (print ll)

    ;; modify the layer entity
    (entmod ll)

    Hope that was a little more helpful! :-)

  • I did not have much time earlier so here is a version that might be a little nicer...

    ;; NOTE: I do not know anything about the "true colour" model
    ;; so this only works for standard colours.

    (defun C:CHCOLOR ( / co en el ln le ll errfunc oce oerr)
    (defun errfunc (msg) ; error function
    (strcase msg)
    (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))
    ) ; endif

    (setvar "CMDECHO" oce)
    (command "._undo" "_end")
    (if oerr (setq *error* oerr))
    ) ;end error function

    ;; Save variables and set error handler
    (setq oerr *error*
    oce (getvar "CMDECHO")
    *error* errfunc
    (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
    (command "._undo" "_begin")

    ;; Get a single entity and change the colour of the layer
    ;; it is on.

    ;; The colour to change the layer to
    (setq co 1) ; red

    (if (setq en (car (entsel)))
    ;; get the entity data list
    (setq el (entget en))

    ;; get the layer name
    (setq ln (cdr (assoc 8 el)))

    ;; get the layer entity name
    (setq le (tblobjname "LAYER" ln))

    ;; get the layer data
    (setq ll (entget le))

    ;; change the layer colour
    (setq ll
    (cons 62 co)
    (assoc 62 ll)

    ;; modify the layer entity
    (entmod ll)

    ;; Restore the variables, error handler and end the undo
    (setvar "CMDECHO" oce)
    (setq *error* oerr)
    (command "._undo" "_end")

  • woosh! I'm such a newbie in bricscad that it took me forefer to learn a simple "(load chcolor.lsp)", but after I did - your proggy does exactly what I needed so thanks a bunch!

     I'll go wrap this little code in nice button. 

    Thanks again :)


  • Look into the LISP autoload function and put a line in your on_doc_load.lsp if you want this routine loaded automatically only when needed.

    Glad it worked for you.

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