
I don't know what everyone else thinks, but I am finding 10.3.11 a big step forward. Most of my outstanding service requests have been addressed. Well done to the Bricsys team, and thanks for listening. Keep up the great work.


  • The first two of my lisps I tried to run no longer worked properly and the first print I did was rotated 90 degrees.

    I had no great problems with the previous version so I regressed.

    I have plenty of work on, so I decided to wait and see what others find for now.

  • I agree Jamie; the current release has fixed 90% of my current issues too.  I especially like the improvements made to how fonts are cached and displayed in dialogs.

    John, I had the 90 degree problem as well but that was only during one of the Beta versions and is fixed now.  Are you using the Beta or changed some settings while using it?

    On a slight tangent, I can't wait till we start seeing some new features and not just bug fixes (even though the speed increases are welcome :). I assume once the linux version is released the development team can start on this.  Here's hoping!  

  • I haven't used any beta versions, Daniel. I just downloaded the upgrade as it appeared.

    I used the same print settings (which worked properly on return to 10.2.14) without changing.

    Didn't have time to muck around after trying to modify my lisps to work again.

    It would be helpful to know about changes in lisp processing, I have struck the issue of routines needing modification in the past and it's a trial and error process without notifications, which don't always seem to appear with the upgrade notes.

  • 10.3.11 is indeed an improvement over 10.2.14, issues that made working with
    10.2.14 a frustrating experience are now resolved - very nice!

    But, what I noticed is, that grip-editing dimensions makes the cursor sluggish
    and the whole program seems to become unstable, I also experience more crashes
    than with 10.2.14. My rough guess is that Bricscad doesn't like my graphic card,
    Matrox anyone ?

    The steady changes of LISP are indeed something I could do without, it would be less of a task
    if the changes were announced, but as it is now, I just hope for the best that all my programs
    are still working but then something doesn't and you have work to do but instead you must fiddle
    around with that code again ... sigh .
    I understand that Bricscad wants to be as ACAD compatible as possible, but when does it become
    compatible to Bricscad ?

    Sorry for the rant Bricsys, you do a great job, it made it possible fot me to be without
    ACAD for 3 years now, for that I am grateful.

  • But i.e. I habe problems with Layout.  Each time I have message "screen driver have an unknown error" - and I must switch to model, then to layout.

    Second problem is with properties windows - some time it's has a ghoust in left upper corner (and normal propertoes windows still are in right side).

  • Pavel, I have similar problems. Sometimes when I want to switch  from layout to model a message appears stating

    something like "display cannot be updated because of an unknown error" and I also have ghosts on my second screen.

  • Jörg, Pawel, I submitted a support request for the first of these two items a couple of days ago but assuming that the ghosting problem isn't created by the same issue maybe one of you could submit this if you haven't already?

  • Daniel, I've posted a support request a few days ago, as I experienced other display problems

    (placing of prompt menu, tiny print preview window) , but I will send an addon to the request.

  • I am not as sold.  Printing to a PDF/TIF is now rotated 90d (I thought I got away from this when I dropped AutoCAD).  And I cannot get jpegs to print (when they previously printed).

  • Sorry ich kann leider nicht in english Schreiben, bin froh dass ich es lesen und halbwegs verstehen kann.

    Bei uns ist die PDF-Ausgabe  nicht nur um 90 Grad gedreht sondern auch noch gespiegelt. - PDF is rotated and mirrored.

    Alternativ mit FreePDF funktioniert die Voransicht nicht mehr, beim PDF-drucken werden dann die benutzerspezifischen Papiereinstellungen ignoriert.

    Ich muss jetzt zurück zu 10.2.14 weil ich die PDF-Dateien brauche...


    PS: Eigenartige Grafikfehler hab ich hier auch gehabt beim Panen, ich weiß nicht mehr welche Aktion voraus ging. Die Textfüllung wurde nicht mehr angezeigt, Textumrisse grau, "Geisterbider" Verschiebungen, Pulldown Menüs schwarz; abhilfe brachte nur ein neustart von Bricscad. GraKa Nvidia GeForce 7300

  • I also had to go back to 10.2.14.  We had to make a deadline and v 10.3.11 simply wouldn't let us print what we needed.

  • I just tried 10.3.12 and my original lisp and print problems in 10.3.11 are gone!

    If only all problems in life would disappear as painlessly.

  • Opps, sorry. The lisps actually did work for a short while and prints seem ok.

    But the lisp problem is back and 3 don't work so far.

    That's back to 10.2.14 for me, I have too much to do to experiment any further.

  • Printing issues related to excel files inserted in the drawing have been a problem for me on thelatest releases.  Also I keep getting fatal errors while panning.

  • We are preparing a new build containing fixes for the print issues with OLE objects ( Excel, Word, ...) and screen update issues. If testing goes OK, we plan to release this new version later today.

This discussion has been closed.