Layout limits


I want to use the whole layout/paper(A4) but in layout you have the window that limits the use of the whole paper. Is there a way to remove this boundary/ window in layout ?

Bicscad 10.3.12


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  • If I understand you correctly, you want to enlarge the paperspace viewport. If you click the viewport border 9 grips display: 8 grips on the viewport border and 1 grip in the center. Use the grips on the viewport border to modify the dimensions of the viewport, the one in the center to move the viewport.

  • not the viewport.the other frame..

  • The other 'frame' in a layout indicates the printable area on the selected paper size. If you select a different paper size, the printable area indicator changes too.

    Some printers can print the whole area of the page, other printers cannot.If you have multiple printers installed you will see the printable area indicator for the same paper size changes when you select a different printer.

  • That explains allot:)

    thank you for the exellent support!

  • Hi,

    I have another question about this subject. Is it possible to change this printing margin -maybe out of Bricscad ? Our printers/plotters can handle a printing margin of 0.5cm. Still, Bricscad shows me a printable area which is some cm smaller than the paper size. Autocad (release 14) allowed a margin of 0.5cm. I'd like to get the same result in Bricscad. Is this possible ?

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