Code for Field entity manipulation
I develop utility on Python with COM Bricscad Pro V 10.3.11 that creates or checks Custom User propertyes of drawing and checks them for existance, if need places new field at PaperSpace and ModelSpace, but i didn't know how create new field and modify it. AcDbMtext entity has FieldCode method that correctly returns value of manually created fields. AutoCAD's Developer reference example uses IAcadMtext2 type, BricsCAD doesn't know this type. Adding text like "%<\AcVar ...>%" in TextString property only show same text, but FieldCode method now show '' (ziro string).
I need code (example of usage on VBA or C) that add and modify fields in ModelSpace and PaperSpace in BricsCAD.
Sorry for my worst English, i have no practice.
I don't think fields are implemented in the APIs yet.