the unexplodables

Why might be the reason for a block that refuses to be exploded ?  (even in the properties menu it shows me explodable: no, with no option to change it to yes)



  • You can change this in the Blocks section of the Drawing Explorer (_expblocks). The explodable setting is "connected" to the block definition (block_record) and not to the insert.

  • How can I see, and perhaps modify, the block_record ? all the options I see in _expblocks are trivial (insert, delete)

  • In the current version of BC (10.3.14) there are three columns in the Blocks section of the Drawing Explorer:

    1. Block Name
    2. Explodable
    3. References
    4. Insertion point

    If you look up ExpBlocks in the Help you will find that the Explodable column is not show in the image, so I guess it is a relatively new feature.

  • Oops: "three columns" should of course be: "four columns".

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