Snap when no object selected

One difference we have noticed between AutoCAD and Bricscad is that if snap is set up (e.g. to 5mm) the cursor only moves in the snap setting increment when an object is selected where as in AutoCAD the cursor continuously moved in the snap increments.

Does anyone know if there is a setting to alter this or is it an intentional change?



  • Hi Jame,

    On my system running 10.3.16 the cursor always moves in the snap increments when snap is on. What version are you running?


  • Mine behaves as James decribes in 10.3.16 and Intellicad always has for me, that I can remember.

    I never found a setting which makes the cursor always jump to Snap.

    Now I can't find a list of setvars in Help so even if you find it in the Settings dialogue you wouldn't know how to, for instance, set it at startup as I do with many vars.

  • Just type "snap" to turn grid snapping on and off (assuming there are no bugs - works on mine anyway but I am playing with a Beta at the moment).  Also for a full list of the SETVARS open up the settings dialog and select the Export button.  This lets you save the entire list to a CSV.

  • Hope I wasn't stating the obvious there.

    @James: I just noticed that my grid snap only occurs when BCad is expecting a point entry and at all other times it moves freely.  I don't know if this is how autocad operates but it seems like the logical way and on my installation at least it isn't reliant upon an object being selected.

  • That's what we are on about, Daniel. Acad always used to jump to snap all the time it was on.

    F9 also toggles it on/off and while Bcad's behaviour might even be better it is not the same as in Acad.

    I didn't know you could export Var's, but it's a poor substitute for proper descriptions which I believe used to be accessible in Help.

    I can also type "setvar - ?" for a legible list, but it's not very descriptive.

  • If you haven't given it a go already john, give the export function as a go as it may be more descriptive than you think.  It also supplies the description, current value and default value as well as several other fields.



  • The longer descriptions that appear at the bottom of the Settings window are excellent.

    It's too bad they can't be included in the exported CSV file. The two or three word descriptions include there are sometimes hard to understand.

  • Oh, I hadn't taken much notice of the descriptions there - I was aware of them, but it's not often I need them.

    But I had not noticed each Setvar name is also at the bottom in Settings, or that you can search using part of a vaguely remembered Setvar.

    Thanks Anthony, that's a good one.

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