I need help from LISP develorper/ programmers

I create a new program named EXTREM Mathematical LISP (topovlexc)..

Build  big program LISP , working fine (or OKAI  in AutoCAD) but in BrisCAd crash my program LISP...

My program TopoVlexC.exe convert LISP to C#, and C# to LISP...

All the lines from  source are written in C# , TopoVlexc.exe convert this C  to LISP.

Downloading demo or test version from: ...............             http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CTZSOYYF

Example my VLX files  , size = 500ko             ..............           http://www.megaupload.com/?d=714HTBYL

Fractals generated by lisp ..................                          http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4VHTCH9N

Big Source Examples....................                        http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0AFZFCXK



  • I will have a look at the samples and code ...
    Please note, *.vlx files can not be loaded under Bricscad !
    You will need to encrypt Lisp files using the encoder tools
    provided by and for Bricscad ...

    I will provide more feedback later.

  • Hello,
    as reported, there is no way to load VLX or FAS files in Bricscad -
    these are specifically encrypted Lisp files.

    However, Bricscad provides similar tools to have strong encryption on
    Lisp files ... you will probably need to use that encryptors provided by

    Beside that, I'm not sure whether I understand the sense of your C/C++
    based application ... what I see is a C-like notation inside Lisp, which is then
    transformed into normal Lisp, and encrypted as VLX ?

    Many greetings, Torsten

  • Your message Beside that, I'm not sure whether I understand the sense of your C/C++ based application..

    Beucause . Language C++ suport big size program more easy than LISP  luagauge, and you can learning C+ and  LISP together.

    Use my tools  for build your lisp program and BrisCAD..

    Sorry TopoVlexC.exe in only test version...


  • Hello, Dragne,
    I'm still not sure whether there is a kind of developer that can take profit of your program ..
    Why ?
    - 1. it is relatively uncommon to have huge Lisp :-)
      => for more or less smaller AutoLISP applications, your program is not intended, as I understand
    - 2. there are some huge AutoLISP programs - up to 20 MB in size ...
      => here, those AutoLISP developers *are* able to manage their code
    - 3. you suggest to use C/C++ syntax inside Lisp ... meaning, those few AutoLISP developers having
          such huge Lisp applications will also need to understanc C/C++ syntax -> often *not* the case
    - 4. if you have 5...20 MB AutoLISP, you will have 10...30 MB C/C++ code :-)
          so usually, AutoLISP code is factor 2...4 more compact
    - 5. those AutoLISP developers that know C/C++ will likely not use your program -
          because then, it is easy to use Acad + Bricscad native C/C++ API (named ARX resp. BRX) directly.

    Furthermore, because of translation of AutoLISP->C/C++/C# and C/C++/C# to Lisp, there is a huge
    potential risk to add more problems, issues, bugs into final code, due to extra translation layer.

    Also, as I have seen, your program only supports a very small part of AutoLISP language function set ?

    Sorry for not having better informations :-(
    But honestly, from my experience, I would not use tools like yours; of course, I have C/C++ and AutoLISP
    experience, maybe there are other AutoLISP developers that could take advantage of your program ...
    personally, I really doubt about the sense of your application, sorry for that :-(

    Many greetings !

  • I thought it was something like Sharp Lisp.

  • Dear Daniel,
    yes, I also know SharpLisp ... I even fixed a few bugs there, when it was available :-)
    SharpLisp was designed to convert AutoLISP -> ARX C++, and to create an ARX module
    from that sources ... mainly useful when AutoLISP performance was not enough.

    Here, from what I have seen, the case is opposite - it uses Lisp and C/C++/C# to create
    new Lisp (as *.vlx file) from that kind of mixed source.

  • For NEWS   click at adress / internet ................



    Q: What is the TopoVlexC program?

    A: TopoVlexC is a compiling program – linkeditor in C++LISP that can be used on Windows 2000 operating system and above, and allows LISP developers to create portable compatible programs for the CAD platform, between the two programming languages: C++ and LISP; and initiation into the Visual C++2002 programming codes.


    Q: How can TopoVlexC increase the portability of LISP sources?

    A: The portability of the LISP routines is given by the use of C++ programming language. If AutoCAD program users write the programming freely (without the TopoVlexC.exe application), converting the LISP routines into C++ (and the other way around) is practically impossible.


    Q: a LISP program developer can write LISP program modules, can TopoVlexC still be used?

    A: Yes, it can be used, but it is recommended to convert part of the sources to C++, which also contains mathematic formulas for engineering equations.



    Q: What type files can TopoVlexC compile?

    A: TopoVlexC compiles LISP sources and C++ sources, after compilation the files saved on the disk are LISP files with the *.lsp extension


    Q: Isn’t TopoVlexC useless? What is the point in writing and compiling in C++LISP and have LISP as result, when you can use LISP from the beginning?

    A: The affirmation above in only partly correct, but if you consider that the basic routine source can also be compiled in MicrosoftVisual C++ObjectARX and have as result ARX programs for AutoCAD, then you have written both VLX and ARX programs altogether.


    Q: I still don’t understand the point in compiling C++ and having LISP as result

    A: C++ is a much better programming language that LISP in regards to the portability of programming languages. So TopoVlexC highly improves the portability of your sources, and combined with C++ it increases the advantageousness of program sources by using powerful C++ algorithms. As so many LINUX operating systems (Knoppix, Mandriva, Ubunta) are based on C++ you can see that this language contains very powerful algorithms, as opposed to LISP that has weak algorithms.

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