
Vertical dimensioning in .27 vewrsion still a problem. When is it to be fixed?


  • Hi Paul,I think this is not a problem, you just need to adjust a dimensioning setting:Go to Settings > Dimension Settings then select the TEXT tab page.From the VERTICAL list box select CENTER BETWEEN EXTENSION LINES.The only problem is that the options are not in alphabetical order in the VERTICAL list box: scroll to the top of the list box to see the CENTER BETWEEN EXTENSION LINES option.Regards,Louis

  • OK. That is a choice for use dimensions. My company working format of dimension text to above line. I'm try to change distance between text and line but it not work. When we fixed it?In v 2.2.0027 thoese fix...- Poly make copy when use trim comand.- Undo / Redo is good up.(I'm not confirm.)- Crsah of program is good up. Thank you for Bricsnet work and try to do anything to fixed problems Regard.

  • I think what they are trying to tell you is that text above extension line does not work properlyif you place the dimension on the right side of the objectDraw a square and try dimensioning all sides wit text above ext lines and you will see.

  • I have also noticed problems with vetical dimensions. I use dimension text aligned with dimension lines and centered with dimension line. If I use linear dimension command and dimension a vertical entity or vertical pick points then dimension lines run into dimension text. I have tried ALIGNED dimension on a vertical entity and the dimension looks fine. I have noticed that the gap between dimension lines on a vertical LINRAR dimension seem to be set up for Horizontal text nor for vertical text, maybe a clue in that for you programers out there. Any body think of a possible workaround for the time being? This is not really workable now with a line through my dimension text.

  • From what I read I think you are confusing dimension line and extension line.Set BOTH horizontal and vertical to CENTER BETWEEN EXTENSION LINES.Change the text/line spacing with vertical text offset. (This applies to both ver/hor lines)For text aligned with extension lines there is a bug .

  • The actual problem is that the distance between the vertical dimension line and the text is too much compare to horizondal dimensioning. The problem still exists in 2.2.27 also, even if you set zero value for text. Bricsnet should address this bug soon as possible.

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