request for information on setting up a BRX project

Before I can do some programming in BRX I think I need a short overview how to set up a simple BRX project (in Visual Studio), and I wanted to know if anything like that is available on the web, especially if there is a template project.

It did not help that the documentation talks about a sample project but I didn't find any in the latest SDK. In the "Files To Share" section I found two BRX projects which may be very helpful.

Of course I could also get the information from resources related to ARX/AutoCAD. I have already set up ARX projects, but that's 7 or 8 years ago, and I would like to avoid the mistake of applying these solutions by try and error to BricCAD.

Thanks in advance for any help.


  • I think there is a BRX sample that comes with Bricscad. There are a few samples at as well : )

  • Hello Christian,

    The BRX sample is installed with the application in %ProgramFiles%\Bricsys\Bricscad V10\API\brx by default.

    There are some discussions at that include sample projects for use with Bricscad. I am not a professional developer, I just tinker to server my own uses so others can give better advice regarding setting up a flexible solution.

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