Autocad dwg compatibility

If we open an original autocad 2007 LT dwg and modify it with Bricscad V11 fo Linux,

when we reopen the file with Autocad 2007 LT the program warn about the fact that the file has been modified by a non Autodesk program.


Is this normal ?

Is it possible to avoid this circumstance ? (we have to producce dwg files for our clients that use Autodesk programs)



Ubtuntu 10.04 + Briscad V11





  • In Acad LT set the DWGCHECK system var to 0

    it really has nothing to do with compatibility see TrustedDWG here

  • Thank for your reply on "TrustedDWG technology".


    Could be possible for the Briscad to write its own string (eg "Briscad technology"), but also have the content of this field accessible by a IDE parameter/configuration, and let the user set this varaible to his own will ?



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