Hi all, am trying to attach an image (jpeg) when I go through the process what I am left with on the screen is an image frame and text relating to the file path but no image anyone know what is wrong?


Cheers SD


  • You have to use the Attach Raster Image command . Cut and paste will not work.

    Use specify insertion point on screen and specify scale on screen.

    I usually scale it later by making a line to an known length and then use the aling command to both scale and turn.

    Good luck / Patrik

    PS If you need to scale x and y differently you edit the raster , uncheck keep aspect ratio, and then change the x or y size. Lets say that X sixe is OK and you need to change Y. Measure a known Y length. Divide the measured lengt with the wanted length and then multiply the Y size of the file result. Have in mind that if you have rotated the file before this Xand Y is also rotated.

  • The empty frame with text giving file path is an error message that means the image was supposed to be at that location but was not found. It happens if you save the DWG file and then re-open it with the image file moved or deleted from the originally specified folder, or with the DWG file moved so that a relative file path spec no longer finds the image. Are you saying that you see that error message as soon as you attach the image?

    Patrik: copying and pasting an image works for me. I never do it that way because it creates an embedded OLE instead of an attachment and makes the DWG file extremely large; but it does produce a visible image.

  • Anthony , you are right if you edit a  jpeg and copy out a section you can actually past it ( I didn't know). But if you just paste the file it is not working for me.

    Stephen as Anthony says If you open a file with an attached image from different machines you need to always have the same path to the rasterfile.  Cheers

  • Thanks guys, I was not cutting and pasting but went through the insert raster image process as I have done many times. The image I was trying to attach was a Jpeg on my desktop. I gave up but when I tried the same action today it worked. So I guess it is one of those "have you tried switching it off and then on again"

    Thank you again


  • Hi Stephen,

    Indeed, the raster images attach function may sometimes not work (i.e display just the image boundary) and I found that, most often, it has to do with either the size of the image (larger the size, more the problems) or with the flavour of the format. For example, TIFF or JPG format itself has so many variants that Bricscad reads and displays some while it may not show some others. You can file a support request if a particular type of image format is giving you problems and let the experts in Bricsys look at it.

    Popular photo editing softwares are more tolerant to a wider range of image format flavours. A workaround is to open the same file in any popular photo editing software and save it back. The saved file may just work good in Bricscad after it has been "blessed" by PhotoShop or Paint.

    Hope this helps.

    Rakesh Rao


  • And with regards to paths, use whatever system you like, but ALWAYS send the file to others using "etransmit".

    Not only does it wrap all dependent files up neatly in a single zip file (if you like)

    it can also reset the paths of dependent files to relative to main file with subdirectories or even to"all files in one folder".

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