Printing raster image

I am working on a project and have a large raster image that needs to be printed.  It is 20000x20000 pixels.  I started with jpeg2000 then tried .ecw after some research, but it still doesn't work.  I am trying to produce a pdf and it shows up in the print preview, but not on the final pdf.  I also broke this image down into 1/4 sections and it still had the same problem.  I am runing version 10.4.15 build 19282.  Any thoughts?  Thanks.


  • Check out the release notes for V11.2.3 under 'Improvements'...

  • Thanks.  I downloaded the trial version and it seems to handle images better.  I still needed to break the image into 4 for it to work, but at least it will print it now.

  • Earlier today we released Bricscad V11.2.7 (to be informed about new releases please subscribe to the Bricscad Releases RSS feed).

    A.o, this release contains further improvements that reduce the amount of memory needed for printing large images. If the printing problem is not solved with this release, then please file a support request and attach the drawing and the raster image: we will be glad to investigate and help.

    Same for the draworder issue you mentioned in another thread: if you file a support request and attach the files required to investigate the problem, we will be glad to help.

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