autoloading BRX at startup

Hi there,

I'm using Bricscad V11. I want to have DOSLib commands available each time I start Bricscad. I put it in the appload list and have "save updates" box checked.

Bricscad remembers it in the list but does not load it. Am I not understanding something here?

Thank you in advance for your help.



  • Hi, Phillip.

    the APPLOAD dialog only lists a kind of "history" - those files are not loaded at startup.

    2 possible solutions :

    1. use a standard Lisp file (on_start.lsp, on_doc_load.lsp) and add (arxload "doslib11.brx") there;
        you can also place that Lisp statement into a MenuLisp (*.mnl) file

    2. you can also use "autoload.rx" file, and add the filename there (doslib11.brx)
        that file is also processed at Bricscad start

    I hope this helps ?
    Many greetings, Torsten

  • Thank you Torsten for your timely and helpful reply.

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