Missing _VBASTMT Command in Bricscad
The autocad command _VBASTMT is not supported in Bricscad.
I need it to run VBA Macros in compination with Parameters.
z.B.^c^c _VBASTMT ParametrikBauteil("DurchbruchWand") in a toolbar-button
Any workarounds possible?
Thank´s a lot
It's not really a good method, but can create a new function :
Sub DurchbruchWand()
End SubAnd then use -vbarun with that .
If there is another solution, I would be happy to know this ...
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not realy good because the complete navigation should be on normal Toolbarbuttons and Pulldownmenus.
The only workaround I found is to store the Parameters in teh USERS1 variable and read the value(s) from the VBA Side.
But its not perfect ... better would be the implementation of the _VBASTMT command
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