missing layermanager in Bricscad

Hi, I get more and more problems with customers, coming from AutoCAD regarding the missing layer manager functions inside of Bricscad. Are there some experiences ? Is there something in process?Thanks Mustafa Kocatürkwww.below-software.de


  • What functions are you missing.  All layer functions are taken care of in the drawing explorer.  Is this the information you need?

  • This is perhaps not the place to ask. I am not sure how Bcad could manage the way I use layers better and I don't know how Acad handles them.

    Lately, any Bcad regressions toward the way Acad does things have only been disappointments for me.

    Acad lost me a long long time ago.

  • In AutoCAD it is for example possible to make a layer group. This can also be done automatically through some Layer filters(all layers starting with hatch* can be grouped in the layer group hatches).Or, in AutoCAD you can set layer properties for each viewports in the layout, for example the color, line type and line width. In Bricscad it is only possible to define the visibility for each viewport.

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